Someone is standing by to support you now

About Us

Welcome to You've Got a Friend Chat and Mentor Service
where you'll find the support and guidance you've been seeking!

At times, we all yearn for someone to talk to, someone who understands and listens without judgment. But it’s not always easy to find that person in our immediate circle without feeling like a “negative nanny” or “Debbie Downer”, that’s where we come in. We provide that listening supportive ear for you. It may be you are going through a personal crisis or you just need someone to talk to because you might be feeling lonely or isolated. We are here to help.

It could also be that you need a qualified Coach or Mentor to help you untangle your problems, explore solutions, hold you accountable to your goals, or simply be a neutral sounding board? We are also there to help you with this. Either way, you choose what you would like us to assist you with. Rest assured, we will not be judgmental and will listen with empathy and understanding. We want to help, that is the bottom line.

Have you ever felt like you wanted to talk to someone more than just once a week? Traditional coaching services can often be expensive and the average time people talk to one is only about once a week. With You’ve Got A Friend Chat and Mentor Service, our goal is to make us more accessible to you so you can talk to someone about your life problems more often than that. That is why we have created monthly pricing packaging options. You choose the one right for you. You also choose whether you would like Coaching or Chatting in your sessions or maybe it’s a combination of both. You are in charge!

Whether you prefer to dip your toes in the water with our 1-hour option or dive in for our 25 hours a month package, our prices are affordable and flexible.

Take a look at our pricing options and if you have any questions at all, remember, we are just a click away!

How It Works

If you are interested in Coaching or Mentoring sessions with Lisa at You’ve Got a Friend Chat and Mentor Service, please follow the following steps:

1. Email to ask any questions and arrange your session(s).

2. Once you’re ready, visit our pricing page and select the coaching package that suits your needs.

3. You will then be taken to a secure payment page where your transaction will be processed safely and securely.

4. After your payment, you’ll be directed to complete an intake form. This form helps the coach understand your specific needs to provide the best support during your sessions.

Remember we are always here to answer any questions prior to purchase so do not hesitate to send us a message through our Contact Us form.

In the meantime, take care and remember there is always a solution to every problem, sometimes you just need help finding it!


  • Relief and help from stressful situations by having a listening ear to hear you and support you
  • Relief from loneliness by having a caring and listening ear on the other end of the phone
  • Help on employment or career decisions, finding your purpose or doing your passion
  • Help with any Narcissist related relationship problems even if it means someone to talk to who understands what you are going through. Lisa can also offer advice and guidance as well as action plans to leave or get through ruts and depressions over it
  • Help with keeping on track, having someone hold you accountable to action plans to lead you towards your goals
  • Having someone help you with making decisions
  • Brainstorming, helping with ideas of various different things you can do to get out of ruts
  • Goal setting ideas and exercises
  • Help with starting a business if that is what path you want to take
  • Having the option of receiving different healing exercises depending on your circumstance
  • Making positive progress in your life
  • Feeling better after your calls (our goal is to ensure that you will feel better at the end of your call than you did before it)


  1. Assisting with complex mental health issues
    While we are here to lend an empathetic ear and provide guidance, mentoring or coaching, it’s essential to note that we are not trained Therapists or Counselors. Consequently, we are unable to assist those with serious mental health conditions.  Nor can we diagnose or recommend medications.  For those with more serious mental health conditions who are seeking support for anything outside of our scope, we recommend that you see your doctor or trained mental health professional. 
  2. Sex Hotline:
    We want to emphasize that our coaching service is not designed for conversations that are of a sexual nature. We are a coaching/mentoring service that offers a supportive listening ear to anyone who feels stuck in their life and could feel they have no one to talk to about what ails them.  Our business and policies are to maintain a professional standard. Our services offer a respectful and supportive environment focused on personal growth, empowerment, and companionship.  Anything outside of our company policies which is read and agreed to prior to purchasing your sessions, we reserve the right to end the call and decline any further service.
  3. Traditional Coaching Service:
    Unlike traditional coaching, we bring something unique to the table with our services. At You’ve Got A Friend Chat and Mentor Service, we offer a few different options. We offer your choice of being mentored or coached, just talking if that is all you want to do that day for your session or a session that is more focused on using a healing exercise, one to help calm down an overstressed system.  Maybe in that session, you would like a bit of each.  We can do that too.  When you book your session, just let us know what you would prefer in your session so we can be prepared for your call.  We also want to give people more access to help than your standard once a week sessions at the typical $100/hr rate.  Our prices are much more affordable to cater to those who otherwise would not be able to access help.  We offer pricing/packages that range from 1 hour on  up to 25 hours a month of talking or coaching.  The bigger the package you purchases, the lower your per session rate. Check out our pricing page to check out our very affordable rates which start at only $30/hour.


  • Your Coach is a trained Life Coach and not a licensed Therapist or Counsellor. She cannot provide assistance for complex psychiatric problems or recommend medications. If you require help in these areas, it is recommended to seek guidance from a medical professional, psychologist, or psychiatrist.
  • We are not a suicide hotline. If you are experiencing thoughts of ending your life, please contact emergency services or a designated suicide hotline in your area. They are equipped with the proper training to assist individuals in crisis. However, if you are not in a position where you are ready to harm yourself or another, but are experiencing a crisis, you may book your session in our scheduler. We are here for you when you need us.
  • Scheduled calls are subject to Lisa’s availability. Please try to book all your calls in after you make your purchase to ensure best availability.
  • Any form of conversation that is sexual or verbally abusive is not tolerated. We have a coaching policy that lays out the rules around that if it occurs. This form will need to be read and agreed to prior to purchasing your coaching package.

How It Works

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