About Lisa's Journey

Lisa’s journey began in a family environment marked by dysfunction and a lack of love. Growing up feeling lonely and isolated, coupled with low self-esteem and confidence, Lisa struggled to form friendships and romantic relationships. Due to her challenges, determined to not let it overcome her as well as the desire to improve her circumstances, Lisa, spent years learning everything she could on self-development.  She took countless self-improvement courses as well as read numerous books on learning ways to improve her life.

From the time Lisa started working up until becoming a Life Coach, she experienced numerous career changes. After completing high school, Lisa pursued her dream of being a professional singer/performer by enrolling in the full-time music program at a local college. After successfully completing a year of music studies, Lisa got involved with a number of different musical collaborations, and performing in front of live audiences.  Several years later, Lisa decided to continue pursuing her passion for the arts by returning to college to earn a certificate in Arts & Entertainment Management. After successfully completing the program, she took on her first role as a Tour manager, responsible for booking a Beatles tribute band tour.  After the successful completion of that tour, Lisa went on to form her own business as an Entertainment Promotor, finding and booking gigs for various entertainment acts that she represented.

Lisa did that for some time, until after a number of years, she once again decided to switch careers.  This time pursuing her passion for helping others going through career and job changes.  After going through several job and career changes herself, she realized she now had a passion to help others going through the same challenges, so she once again decided to attend college, this time to gain a certificate as a Career Development Practitioner. After earning her certificate, Lisa went on to work in the Employment industry for a few years, assisting those looking for work and navigating career changes.

Lisa’s work history is extensive and varied, working in many different industries and accumulating a variety of skills along the way. She has over 35 years work experience in copious different sectors, including Office Administration, the Cosmetic industry as a Cosmetician/Counter Manager for prestigious cosmetic lines, the Driving industry as a Driving Instructor and Driving School Operator, Advertising, Employment, Travel and Tourism, Entertainment, Event Management, Call Centers, Retail, Property Management, and Real Estate.

Then in 2015, after losing her job due to layoffs, Lisa decided to take her life into her own hands and become self-employed so with a leap of faith, she signed up for a self-employment program, learning all there is to know about being an Entrepreneur.  After successfully completing the course, she went on to form her own driving school, building it up single-handedly from scratch to a thriving full-time venture within a year. Leveraging her vast work experience coupled with course learnings she was able to manage all roles herself, including scheduling, advertising, marketing, sales, office administration, customer service as well as conducting the driving lessons.

After 2 years as a successful Entrepreneur, Lisa’s personal life took a dramatic hit.  Lisa found herself embroiled in an intense relationship with whom she thought was the love of her life only to discover after sometime that he was a narcissist.  Lisa went through an especially traumatic experience that nearly cost her life. This revelation led her to deeply research everything there is to know on the subject of narcissism. It was then that she started to think that this harrowing experience was meant to happen so that she can help others going through the same or similar experience so in 2022, Lisa once again, went back to school, this time to obtain her certificate in Life Coaching.  She aimed to create a service that was not available to her during her darkest hours—one that was much more affordable than the typical $100/hr charged by other coaches or therapists. Then in the fall of 2023, Lisa decided to take her unique idea of offering talking/coaching and mentoring at extremely affordable rates and created You’ve Got a Friend Chat and Mentor Service. Her mission is to share her life experiences and education to support those feeling lonely, depressed and isolated who may be experiencing relational problems especially with Narcissists and/or those seeking career advice.

Lisa has a passion for helping others especially when it comes to assisting you to find or discover what your spiritual gifts are.  Since haven taken a course called Discover Your Spiritual Gifts, Lisa discovered that one of hers is the Gift of Encouragement.  This means that she would never grow tired of encouraging you in your trials. Rest assured, with Lisa as your coach and mentor, you have a loyal ally committed to helping you with whatever it is you are going through. Her main goal and mission are to help reduce the growing suicide rate.

Please reach out to Lisa for support. She is standing by to be that loyal friend you can count on when there is no one else to turn to.  She will not only be that sounding board that you can count on but will also be an excellent accountability coach.  With her vast experience working in so many different industries and sectors as well as her extensive experience in the topic of Narcissism, rest assured, you will have the best coach at the most affordable rate to help you get from where you are to a better, more improved way of life.


About Us

Whether you need to simply talk during challenging times or need guidance from our experienced Mentor, we provide a safe and welcoming space for you. Share your thoughts, seek guidance, and find comfort in knowing that you have a friend who genuinely cares. With You’ve Got a Friend Chat and Mentor Service, you can receive the support you need to navigate through rough days, gain insights, and achieve your goals towards a more positive life.

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