Mission Statement

’’To be neutral but caring listeners and helpers to whoever we are serving to the best of our professional abilities. To hold the space for our clients to vent or share any of their life’s problems in a supportive atmosphere.
We are committed to helping people get out of their ruts which are holding them back from creating a better life for themselves’’

We are so glad that you have joined You’ve Got a Friend Chat and Mentoring Service, where we like to say, Life Coaching with a Twist!

We are excited to work with you in whatever capacity you so wish whether that be just someone to talk to if you so desire or whether you would like our help to assist you on goals to get out of the circumstances that are not serving you to a better more productive place. We also have a drawer chest of different healing exercises we can draw from to help you should you want your session to include that to help you destress and calm any anxieties you may be experiencing.

You let us know what you would like your session to best help you with that day. You have the choice, you have the option. We are all about giving our clients the option to choose what they would like for their sessions. That is where we are different than most coaching services, but we also believe in making it affordable so more people in the world can benefit from accessing more help and support.

Below are the policies which need to be read and agreed to upon commencing your sessions. The policies are first and then after you have signed off on your agreement, there will be an Intake form for you to fill out, which is essentially a personality profile which will help your coach to get a better idea of you and therefore how to best be of service and maximize all of your mentoring/coaching sessions.


About Us

Whether you need to simply talk during challenging times or need guidance from our experienced Mentor, we provide a safe and welcoming space for you. Share your thoughts, seek guidance, and find comfort in knowing that you have a friend who genuinely cares. With You’ve Got a Friend Chat and Mentor Service, you can receive the support you need to navigate through rough days, gain insights, and achieve your goals towards a more positive life.

© 2022 Ygf Chat & Mentor • All Rights Reserved

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